2013年3月29日 星期五

This small HOWTO is about filesystems and accessing filesystems

This small HOWTO is about filesystems and accessing filesystems. It is not Linux- or Unix-related document as you probably expect. You can find there also a lot of interesting information about non-Unix (file)systems, but Unix is my primary interest :-). More information and the latest version of this document can be found at http://martin.hinner.info/fs/.



“又是炎熱小鎮慵懶的一天。太陽高掛,街道無人,每個人都債台高築,靠信用度日。這時,從外地來了一位有錢的旅客,他進了一家旅館,拿出一張1000 元鈔票放在櫃檯,說想先看看房間,挑一間合適的過夜,就在此人上樓的時候---- 店主抓了這張1000 元鈔,跑到隔壁屠戶那裡支付了他欠的肉錢...